Posted on Wednesday 28th March, 2018


WRFL partner Physioplus will be sharing tips each month on how to cope with injuries, today we learn about exercising.

Exercise in patellofemoral pain and knee injury: Important knowledge! Michael Ranger – APA Sports Physiotherapist

Expert exercise selection is important. If rehabilitation is painful or provokes and injured joint, we know results will be poor and compliance even poorer.  Patellofemoral joint (PFJ) pain is a challenge – we know strong quadriceps are essential, but how do you strengthen them without overloading the PFJ?

Research shows that the PFJ has the least amount of stress during 45-90 degree open kinetic change exercises (knee extensions in sitting in outer range quadriceps position), and with 0-45 degree closed kinetic chain exercises (mini squats in standing in inner range quadriceps position) Powers et al (2014). The addition of bands to a mini squat engages the hip external rotators and abductors. This has been shown to optimise symptoms and lower limb biomechanics in patients with PFJ pain Miera & Brummit (2011). At Physio Plus, we choose our therapeutic exercises wisely!

Michael works at our Footscray clinic. Referrals can be made by phone, walk-in, online or email found here.